
Life hack: knitting with knitting yarn


A method that will give an even assembly and protect from thread breaks during picking.

When fitting with pulling the thread from the laid seam, it happens that the thread breaks and you have to start all over again. This method will help to avoid breakage of the thread, plus - will make it possible to make the assembly more uniform with less effort. The method is suitable for all types of fabric, in particular for medium-density and dense fabrics. For finer fabrics, take the appropriate thread (finer). In all cases, threads need not loose, strong, well twisted.

Assemblies on the product using elastic thread (video)

You will need:

- knitting threads of medium thickness or thin, strong, not loose;

- sewing machine and thread.

How to pick up fabric

Step 1

Select a zigzag seam, stitch width 3 mm, stitch length - maximum.

Step 2

For convenience, cut the desired length of thread from the skein (you need a length equal to the length of the part to be added + several centimeters; you can also pick up each of the parts sewn together on a separate thread - it will be easier to adjust the degree of assembly). Attach the thread along the assembly line.

Step 3

Lay the stitch so that the thread of yarn is in the middle and the needle does not touch it.

Step 4

Pull the thread to add fabric.

Photo and source:
