
Is it possible to make a prickly sweater soft


With the approach of cold weather, the desire to warm up grows exponentially. And we are happy to wrap ourselves in our favorite warm and cozy things of the autumn-winter wardrobe.

Personally, I prefer warm things made of natural materials, most of all I love wool products. But some woolen things, especially hand-knitted or sewn from knitted fabric, have one feature - barb. And the point here is not in the increased sensitivity of the skin, because there are lucky people who endure quite calmly and do not even notice such an effect while wearing the product. First of all, the matter is the raw material from which the material or yarn is made.

Whether the future wool product will be pricked depends on the method of obtaining raw materials.

Combing out changes the structure of the hair, stretches it, makes it curly. As a result, the thread is uneven when acquiring or maintaining the effect of barbs even in the finished product.

A haircut - a more expensive way, due to which the hair is removed without damaging or deforming it, it remains direct, smooth and obedient. As a result, the manufacturer receives fibers that are ideally even in density, which later become non-spun wool yarn or fabric.

In addition, the longer and thicker the hair, the greater the likelihood that such a raw material will definitely make a prickly sweater. And, on the contrary, the thinner and softer the hair, the less the stitching effect, or it will be completely absent.

If you want to get rid of the stinging effect in the finished product, the Internet "with pleasure" will offer you at least the three most popular ways to fix this problem at home, even the video will be shown.

Using a solution of vinegar and salt

It is possible that acetic acid can at least somehow tame the sting, but where is the guarantee that it will not damage the structure of the yarn or fabric so that after such an experiment you just have to throw the thing away.

Using dry mustard

Also a very dubious way. Since mustard powder can change the color of the product, and its micro particles are stuck between the fibers of the wool.


This method seemed to me the most harmless. I decided to try it on one of my favorite wool pullovers, which I wear extremely rarely because of its pricklyness. And as always, I share my experience and result.

Step 1

Soak the pullover in warm water and wash it by hand using hair shampoo or a special wool detergent.

Step 2

Rinse the pullover well.

Step 3

Wring out the pullover without twisting, just squeezing with your hands.

Step 4

Put the pullover in a plastic bag and put it in the freezer for a day.

Step 5

Take out the frozen pullover.

Put it in a basin and fill it with warm water so that the pullover is completely covered with water.

Step 6

When the pullover is completely thawed, rinse it using a fabric softener.

Squeeze the pullover lightly and let it drain naturally.

Step 7

Dry the pullover by laying it on a flat surface on a towel.


I ironed the dried pullover with steam, then with a dry iron on the wrong side. She let him cool and tried on. Unfortunately, the stinging effect has not disappeared. It may have become less noticeable, but this, alas, did not solve the problem.

Of course, a prickly sweater can be worn over a top or a thin-fitting T-shirt, with a shirt or turtleneck. But what if this wearing method is not comme il faut for you, because it is important for you to feel warmth and comfort from direct contact of the woolen thing with the skin? Only one way out - always carefully choose the finished product, yarn and woolen fabrics.

✽ Be sure to measure the pullover or sweater in the store before buying.

✽ Put the yarn on your cheek and neck, rub it on the skin, gently press it, the spikiness will immediately make itself felt from such a simple experiment.

✽ Check fabrics as well as yarn. You can also “put” it on your hand: wrap your hand in a cloth and bend it at the elbow. If the fabric pricks, you will instantly feel it.

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If you know a way that really helps get rid of the taunts of a wool sweater, share them with us in the comments.

Author and photo: Julia Dekanova
