
Other therapy


Bright colors, walking and oriental medicine often affect our health better than any pills.

Modern medicine has stepped far forward, revealing the secrets of a wide variety of diseases, but people continue to turn to alternative methods of treatment, many of which have been known since ancient times.

Acupuncture, or acupuncture, practiced in eastern medicine for more than 2.5 thousand years. According to legend, this method was discovered by chance. The Chinese peasant, working in the field, accidentally pricked his leg. Then he got rid of a headache that tormented him for many years. So people learned that there is a close connection between internal organs and biologically active points on our body. Each of us has more than a thousand of these points, but about 200 are used for treatment. According to traditional Chinese medicine, a needle placed in the right place normalizes our bioenergy, restoring the correct circulation of vitality through the energy channels (chakras). Mechanical action on certain points normalizes the functional state of internal organs. This method has been successfully used in the treatment of migraine, dystonia, insomnia, obesity, chronic fatigue, and to relieve joint pain. It also helps to get rid of wrinkles, edema, improves blood circulation.

Usually in one session stimulate from 2 to 8 points.The doctor introduces, more precisely, deftly twists the needles at a certain angle to the desired depth and leaves for 20-30 minutes. The procedure is painless: injections are almost not felt, because the needles are very thin. To achieve the effect, as a rule, 1-2 sessions per week are enough. The total number of sessions depends on the prescription of the doctor.

Tip: during a course of acupuncture, avoid sleep deprivation and overwork. Alcohol is also banned! These measures will help prevent complications. Remember that this method has medical contraindications: tumors, exacerbation of chronic diseases, acute inflammatory processes.

On foot from illness? Why not! The whole world is so healthy. The life expectancy of the Japanese increased by 15−20 years, and the incidence decreased significantly after the local Ministry of Health ordered each resident of the Land of the Rising Sun to acquire a pedometer to take 10 thousand steps daily. In Finland, where the climate is cold and humid, with chronic bronchitis and arthritis, the population is carried away Nordic walking - with sticks, but without skis, and at any time of the year, and not just in winter. Thanks to such walks, you can improve the respiratory system, strengthen the heart, normalize pressure and improve the condition of problem joints. Well, in Europe the so-called bar run: first go for about five minutes at a brisk pace, then run a minute, then again go on to a step. Gradually, walking time is reduced, and running increases.For those who have just started jogging in the morning, it’s better not to come up with a system!

Tip: Whatever type of physical activity you choose, follow the basic principles kinesitherapy - treatment with movement: regular classes, a gradual increase in stress and the absence of pain during training. Keep in mind that the minimum physical activity necessary for health is 40 minutes a day 3-4 times a week.

Color therapy

Scientists have noticed that certain colors affect our well-being differently. The long-wavelength part of the light spectrum (red, orange and yellow) excites and stimulates the body, short waves (blue, blue, violet) calm and relax, and the green part of the spectrum coordinates both effects. To improve your well-being, wear clothes and surround yourself with things that are designed in a certain range.

Red color increases immunity, visual acuity, pressure and appetite, relieves depression, makes the lungs breathe more often, and the heart - beat faster. If you turn on a lamp with a red lampshade in a person’s room, he will recover faster - science has proven it! This is the number one color for myopic and hypotensive people. But for those who are prone to hypertension, tachycardia (heart palpitations) and excess weight, red should be forgotten. They are better off looking at the world through pink glasses, because this color calms the nervous system, reduces pressure, normalizes heart rate and improves mood.

Yellow stimulates the digestive system, improves skin condition with allergies and eczema, increases physical activity and fitness, has an antidepressant effect, relieves fatigue and drowsiness.

Green harmonizes the physiological processes in the body, relieves headaches, relieves spasm of the smooth muscles of the bronchi and blood vessels, alleviating the condition in asthma and hypertension. It also calms nerves and has a hypnotic effect.

Cyan, blue and purple possess bactericidal properties, improve the thyroid gland, normalize blood pressure, cleanse and relax the bronchi, relieve muscle tension, reduce hunger and contribute to weight loss, therefore they are preferable in the kitchen. If there is a plate of the color of heavenly blue or eggplant, you can limit yourself to a smaller portion. Just do not go too far: an excess of blue, azure and violet shades depresses the metabolism and nervous system, causing you to mope and yearn. And for those who are inclined to be overweight, the main cure for despondency is sweet and fatty foods. Do not fall into this trap! To stay in weight, focus on the fresh shades of spring greens, but not on the orange gamut - it enhances your appetite, forcing you to recover.

White obtained by mixing the entire rainbow of colors - this is the color of sunlight, the lack of which makes us fall into seasonal depression and gain extra pounds in the cold season. Do not forget about the white color!


Material prepared by Julia Dekanova


Watch the video: Splenectomy Versus Other Therapy in ITP (January 2025).