
Healthy Teeth Fashion


Fashion trends set the lifestyle and habits of most people. And modern dentistry is no exception!

Not so long ago, it was fashionable to have a gold crown on one of the front teeth. And dentists, indulging patients, made such crowns on perfectly healthy teeth. A very recent example is a tattoo on the teeth or gluing rhinestones and diamonds on the teeth. This is fashionable, but such manipulations do not add to the health of the teeth. I must say that there are things for which there is no time frame, and no matter how the mod changes, they always remain relevant. From time immemorial and to this day, healthy, smooth, white teeth are considered the standard of beauty. If we turn to history, even in the Bible, the whiteness of teeth is mentioned as a sign of a healthy and beautiful smile, and many historical facts suggest that the idea of ​​a beautiful smile then was no different from modern ones.
Dentist, Ph.D., ColgateTotal expert Igor Lemberg talks about how to keep teeth healthy
The personal program of each to protect the health of teeth and gums should consist of the following 4 main points of modern dental prophylaxis: 1) oral hygiene, 2) the use of fluorides, 3) rational nutrition, 4) visiting the dentist at least once every six months.
As for the prevention of oral cavity, the following mandatory rules must be observed:
  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day.
  • Choose a quality toothpaste: to prevent caries, toothpaste should contain fluoride compounds, and anti-inflammatory substances to treat and prevent gum disease. Toothpastes based on the Triclosan / Copolymer formula have unique properties: the antibacterial / anti-swelling and anti-inflammatory effect in the oral cavity lasts for 12 hours, providing long-term protection of teeth and gums between brushing and even after eating.
  • Use dental floss daily to remove plaque from the interdental spaces and along the gum line.
  • The additional use of rinse aid after brushing your teeth helps to remove bacteria from hard-to-reach places, surfaces of the cheeks and tongue and maintain fresh breath for longer.
The use of fluoride toothpaste in accordance with the official recommendation of the Dental Association of Russia is the most effective of the available and clinically proven methods for the prevention and development of caries in adults and children.
One of the most important rules in a balanced diet is a sufficient amount of clean non-carbonated drinking water - 1.5-2 liters per day, and tea, coffee, juices do not count, as many people think. When drinking pure water, we wash away the remnants of food, which is especially important after consuming easily digestible carbohydrates, such as sweets.In your daily diet must be present foods rich in calcium and minerals: dairy products, nuts, legumes. Do not forget about fresh vegetables and fruits, especially solid ones: in addition to being rich in fiber, which is necessary for a healthy diet, they stimulate the release of saliva, which also removes plaque and neutralizes the effects of acids. And of course, the diet should always contain foods rich in vitamins, which are important not only for healthy teeth, but also for the general immunity of the body: green vegetables, fruits, berries, greens. The consumption of sweet and flour products, in addition to spoiling the figure, leads to the destruction of enamel and eventually to the development of caries and gum disease.
It has long been proven that to prevent general health problems, carefully monitor the condition of the oral cavity, without changing the fashion and yourself, because today is "healthyisanewsexy"!
How to brush your teeth?

Photo: PR
Material prepared by Julia Dekanova


Watch the video: Eating Right For Healthy Teeth (January 2025).