
Health molecules


There is a lot of talk and write about antioxidants and free radicals. Where do they come from and why are they needed?

If the car is not treated with an anti-corrosion coating, in a few years it will turn into a pile of rusty iron. This is the result of oxidation - constant contact with oxygen. In general, the same thing happens with us, only the material is completely different. Special substances - antioxidants help us to keep the defense. They neutralize oxidation processes - help to stay young, beautiful and healthy longer.

Sworn enemies and at the same time victims of antioxidants are free radicals or reactive oxygen species. They fill the air of the metropolis, are constantly formed in the course of metabolism and are trying to disable everything they come into contact with. Since we cannot live without oxygen at the same time, nature provides protection - antioxidants keep the defense. They give their electron to the insidious radicals, turn, therefore, the active form of oxygen into inactive and stop their harmful work.

And everything would be fine if we lived in environmentally friendly conditions, ate healthy food, did not get nervous and did not overwork. When we worry, lack of sleep, exhaust ourselves with training, take medicines uncontrollably, eat fast food and canned food, free radicals are formed at double speed. And antioxidants simply do not have time to restrain them.

Having escaped to freedom, radicals behave as internal terrorists. Damage cell membranes, knock down life processes - this is the result of powerful oxidative stress.

As a result, the body "rusts" - that is, it is aging. First of all, easily oxidized lipid compounds - fats - are destroyed. But, unfortunately, not those that we, as a rule, really want to get rid of, but those that make up the cell membranes and without which we can not do.

What is antioxidant protection? Firstly, these are our own enzymes, which turn active forms of free radicals into inactive ones. Secondly, we are literally surrounded by natural antioxidants.

Lifetime Grant

The lack of natural antioxidants is primarily experienced by those who suffer from allergies, rarely in the fresh air, do not have time to eat on time or is fond of extreme diets. But even among fans of a healthy diet, the deficit of the main biologically active substances that protect cells from free radicals is 20-30%. So, they also need antioxidant subsidies! What to include in the menu?

Vitamin C. It is the main antioxidant of intercellular fluids and the brain. It binds and neutralizes free radicals, protecting the cell membranes. This is one of the main components of our internal antioxidant defense system. It is found in citrus fruits, broccoli, cabbage (including sauerkraut), kiwi, melon, rose hips, cherries, black currants.

Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) - considered one of the most important vitamins of youth. Contained in wheat germ, almonds, hazelnuts, butter and vegetable oil, egg yolk, peas, sea buckthorn, cereals, bread.

Vitamin A (retinol) - The third on the list of our main internal antioxidants. There are not enough vitamins A, C, E - and our "built-in" protection against free radicals does not work. This vitamin is contained in milk, eggs (especially in the yolks), fish oil, liver, cheese, butter.

Beta carotene (carotenoid, a precursor of vitamin A) - has the same properties as vitamin A. It is found in dark green and yellow-orange vegetables (carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, broccoli, spinach, parsley, asparagus, pumpkin, papaya, apricots, melon sea ​​buckthorn).

Catechins (bioflavonoids) - the strength of the antioxidant effect is 10 times higher than vitamin E and 20 times higher than vitamin C! Contained in berries (strawberries, rose hips, blueberries, viburnum, raspberries, chokeberries, cranberries), lemons, walnuts, sage, red wine, green tea.

Selenium - This is one of the main elements of the internal antioxidant defense. Most of all it is in seafood, kidneys, and liver.

French paradox

In the early 90s of the last century, a real revolution broke out in medicine - the world started talking about the “French paradox”. Scientists have noticed that in France the level of cardiovascular diseases is much lower than in other European countries, about 30%, and the average life expectancy is 3 years higher. The world medical community has come to the conclusion that the truth is in dry red wine. Researchers have discovered a powerful antioxidant in the main wine grape varieties (especially in seeds and peel) - resveratrol. It pacifies free radicals, helps to avoid atherosclerosis, protects against cancer and allows you to maintain a good memory for many years. And also this very resveratrol is able to normalize the rhythm of the heart and blood pressure. The main thing is not to sort out. The female norm is one or two glasses of dry red wine per day. True, disputes over the French paradox do not subside. Some experts are convinced that the problem is not only wine, but also a rich assortment of cheeses, each of which has special enzymes.

First among equals

Another special and very important substance is coenzyme Q10. This is an even more powerful antioxidant that is synthesized in our cells and is also constantly restored from the oxidized form by the enzyme systems of the body. Since it is extremely important, it is everywhere, for which it received the second name "ubiquinone" - from the English adjective ubiquitous - ubiquitous. And it was discovered, by the way, in Russia, back in the 70s of the last century. But the Japanese learned to produce it first. It was then that his triumphal procession began. In Japan, it is used by everyone and without fail, approximately like with us once ascorbic.

Doctors and cosmetologists associate great hopes with him and consider at least one of the components of the elixir of youth. By the way, Q10 in cosmetics is by no means a fad, it is a reality. Its molecules are small enough to penetrate the skin with all its antioxidant activity. Even better, if the composition of the cosmetic product will include not only coenzyme Q10, but also vitamin E (pay attention to the labels). Then the anti-aging effect of cosmetic cream or serum is enhanced.

Where to get coenzyme

Our cells produce coenzyme Q10 from essential amino acids - phenylalanine and tyrosine. They are called indispensable because they are not synthesized in the body and they need to be received daily with animal protein. For vegans who have excluded from the diet not only meat, but also fish, eggs and dairy products, there is nothing to develop from their own coenzyme. A small amount can come from soy, eggplant, seaweed, cabbage and spinach, but this is a drop in the bucket! To get the daily rate of coenzyme Q10, it’s enough, for example, to eat 200 g of meat for lunch with a portion of stewed broccoli, and for dinner - 200 g of fish with spinach casserole.

The article was published based on the materials of the magazine "Good advice" 3/2013

Text: Ivan Konstantinov. Photo: djemphoto /, konradbak /, legaa /

Material prepared by Julia Dekanova


Watch the video: From Molecules to Medicine (December 2024).