
The magic power of berries and fruits


Since ancient times, people knew about the invaluable benefits of fruits and berries. Tasty gifts of nature were not only eaten, but also used them in the treatment of various diseases.

Low calorie watermelon recommended for obese people. In addition, watermelon juice leaches toxins from the body.

Orange neutralizes toxic substances, stimulates metabolism, boosts immunity, helps the body survive antibiotics and cope with climatization.

Blueberries - a miracle berry. Healers also revered her as a sure home remedy for stomach diseases, especially in children. Blueberries increase visual acuity, shown to diabetics, with rheumatism, gout.

Cranberry It has antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties. This is a great fighter with colds. Cranberries are known to prevent the formation of kidney stones and the bladder, reduce blood cholesterol and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Familiar to all cherry - an indispensable tool in the treatment of diseases of the cardiac system, has an analgesic effect.

Raspberry - An effective anti-cold and antipyretic agent.

Berries and Juice sea ​​buckthorn used for diseases of the digestive tract, as well as a laxative.

Fruits and berries are real natural doctors who help get rid of not only ailments, but also improve the general condition of the body and cheer up.

Material prepared by Julia Dekanova


Watch the video: Taking a Pill To Make Everything Taste SWEET! Miracle Berry Challenge. TayPancakes (May 2024).