
Bad habits: are genes to blame?


Why does a person sometimes voluntarily destroy himself and even kill? And someone, on the contrary, takes care of his health and stubbornly confronts dangerous "temptations" all his life?

Scientists have proven that a child born in a family of alcoholics will not necessarily be inevitably drawn to "alcohol", and a child from a family of drug addicts can abstain from doping throughout their lives.

However genes also play an important role: it turns out that a high level of the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase is inherited. This enzyme actively destroys alcohol in the liver, as a result of such a person alcohol does not cause a vomiting reflex and an aversion to it. Weakness can be transmitted and weak will. With such data, it’s really easy to turn into an alcoholic.

An interesting fact: a high level of the above enzyme is usually found in people with blood group III, there are a lot of such people among alcohol-dependent people.

Prevention First of all, it is considered good education from early childhood: the development of willpower, the promotion of useful hobbies of the child, as well as joint activities in active activities, including sports.

Material prepared by Elena Karpova


Watch the video: Can we cure genetic diseases by rewriting DNA? David R. Liu (July 2024).