
How to stop sewing in a closet and create more successful things: 9 tips


These tips are primarily for those who are at the beginning of their sewing journey. But experienced seamstresses can draw something here.

More often this is typical for beginner seamstresses, but it also happens with experienced seamstresses. A thing that caused so much enthusiasm in the process of designing and sewing, as a result, is worn a couple of times, and then hangs in the closet ... Why is this happening, how to start to sew less in the closet and do more cool and wearable things? We have put together practical tips on this topic.

1. Choose clothing models that suit you and go.

Problem. The finished thing does not look as good on you as in the photo in the magazine or as you expected when you started sewing. And it is not a matter of sewing quality, but the choice of model. This happens when we choose something experimental for us in style or cut. For example, we sew a model of dresses, skirts, trousers, blouses and so on, which we never wore or even tried on.

Decision. The most obvious solution is to take on those models that are guaranteed to go and will be worn. To understand what models these are, you can study your wardrobe and pay attention to the most popular things. Having sewed something similar, we would rather wear it than a piece of clothing "from another opera." The second option: with your eyes on some new style or cut model, first go through the mall to find similar things, try on and evaluate how well they will look and fit into the wardrobe.

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2. Correct patterns, if necessary, save and use successful patterns

Problem. The finished thing does not fit well in the figure, so in the end it is not worn.

Decision. Learn the features of your figure and learn to adjust patterns in accordance with them. If the thing is complicated or you are still a beginner seamstress, do not spare the energy and time to make a model or sampler of the product. This is a rough, test version of the thing. Having sewed it, you can take into account all the nuances and change the pattern as necessary. Here - in detail about the layout and about why and from what to sew it.

Keep adjusted patterns and in general patterns of things that sat well on you. Based on one pattern, you can sew a lot of things - here is one example from the experience of our editor Julia Dekanova.

One pattern - 6 dresses!

3. Pay attention to fabric selection.

Problem. The thing is not worn due to flaws or not quite the right choice of fabric. For example, the blouse was too transparent. A woolen skirt is pricked even through the lining. The hem of the dress was not flowing enough due to the choice of fabric that holds its shape well. And so on, for sure you can continue the list ...

Decision. If you sew on ready-made patterns, for example, Burda, pay attention to recommendations for choosing fabric. As a rule, these tips quite accurately indicate the key points that are important for a particular model. Having bought a fabric, especially in an online store, evaluate it before work. How suitable is it for the selected model? If in doubt, it might be best to set aside fabric for another project, and look for something else for this.

Of course, pay attention to the quality of the fabric and try not to save on this if possible. Plus - it is better to take fabric with a certain margin, especially with print materials, especially with large ones, with what needs to be combined in the process.

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4. Examine your color profile and those colors that suit you

Problem. The thing does not go because of the chosen color of the fabric, so it misses the closet.

Decision. Approximately the same as in paragraph 1.Learn the colors and prints that suit you. Take win-win, proven options. In the case of an experiment, try on. Attach the fabric to yourself, see how the color of your skin next to it changes, does your face become fresher or vice versa, does this print adorn you or not. Look at the fabric in both natural and artificial lighting. You can take several photos in the mirror, sometimes this allows you to evaluate whether the fabric suits you more objectively, especially in cases with printed fabrics.

How to determine your color type: stylist's advice

5. Carefully select additional materials and accessories

Problem. The thing does not look good enough or uncomfortable due to the wrong choice of lining, zippers, gaskets, insulation and so on.

Decision. Lining, additional and finishing materials, decor, fittings and so on are important points. The final form and convenience of a thing will depend on them not least. It is better to approach their selection as carefully as to the choice of patterns and fabric. This applies to quality, and color, and other features. You must admit that a coat can be "killed" by an unsuccessful lining or buttons, and by choosing and thinking through these details, you can significantly add things of chic, quality, and originality.

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6. Stop if something went wrong

Problem. In the process of sewing something went wrong, but we decided not to stop, because we really wanted to get the result faster. As a result, the thing turned out not quite the same (or not at all) as planned, and hangs in the closet.

Decision. Stop when you need it, and go back if necessary and there is such an opportunity. Here we are talking about large and small stages, from problems in landing to an unevenly executed line. Evaluate how big the problem will be in the final result of a particular error. Correct if possible and necessary.

How to learn to sew: tips for beginners

7. Follow basic sewing and tailoring rules.

Problem. The thing turned out to be unsuccessful, as global errors were made. For example, the cutting was incorrectly performed (the lobar was not observed, the direction of the pile, the picture was not taken into account). Or the thing sat down after washing, since the WTO was not carried out before work. Or the sequence of sewing operations was disrupted. Or, it would seem, a little - when sewing knitwear, an ordinary, not a special needle was used, the result is torn material. As a result, the thing turned out to be of poor quality, I don’t want to wear it (and in the case of shrinkage it is impossible).

Decision. This problem often occurs at those who are at the beginning of the sewing path. Its reason is a lack of knowledge and experience, and it is decided only by the extraction of this knowledge and the accumulation of experience. It’s better to search the web for detailed videos and master classes and study them before working, rather than rely on intuition and ruin things. You can go to study courses, for example, at the Burda Academy, or buy a competent book / books and check with them - there will definitely be less mistakes.

Book Review: "Burda: My Hobby is Sewing"

8. Sewing for others is sometimes harder than sewing for yourself.

Problem. I sewed a thing for a child / husband / mother / girlfriend, but she or he does not wear it!

Decision. There is a separate conversation about tailoring as a profession. If we talk about sewing as a hobby, rather than a way to earn money, then sewing for others can be much more difficult than for ourselves. In a good way, for a thing sewn to another to be successful and worn, all the previous 7 points must be observed, but projecting them onto this person. It is necessary to understand whether he needs this thing, whether it will fit into his wardrobe, how much the pattern fits and requires adjustment. You need to choose the fabric and related materials (so that not only you, but she or him like them!), Make the necessary fittings, pay attention to quality ... In a word, it’s difficult, but possible. One must be prepared for constant contact with those to whom you sew - especially if you are sewing to him for the first time.But if you learn this interaction, it can be an important step towards making the hobby a profession (if you have such a goal).

5 wardrobe items worth learning to sew for

9. Sew more and take mistakes as learning

Problem. Because of errors or failures that have occurred, fear, insecurity, and cooling to business appear. We generally stop sewing - even in the closet.

Decision. Try to look at the process philosophically. Believe me, no one created a magnificent work of sewing art without making many mistakes on the path to mastery. If you are afraid to spoil the fabric, first start from what you do not mind, and take it as a study. Train to carry out parts and assemblies on unnecessary flaps. Alter things you don’t wear or second-hand clothes. Stuff your hand, draw conclusions, be sure to record success. So the fear will go away, and in parallel experience will be added, and with it, confidence.

Photo: Pixabay
